Tuesday, November 6, 2012

HEEEEEEY Robot Remix

I know I'm running a little late on this one, but the first annual Houston Robot Remix was october 27th.

All in all I'd say that this event was a great success!

     The Actual competition ran very smoothly, and I'm pretty sure everyone that participated would agree that it was a lot of fun to end the season with one last big event close to home. The webcast also went super awesome!! Michael Fore has officially been added to the Roll 24 team, this was his first event producing and he did crazy well, most people don't handle being tossed to the sharks quite as well. We also used all six of our cameras, which is the most we've used at a robotics event so far. We were really trying to make a positive impression on the local FRC coordinators, and hopefully we did!

Click through the break for photos and match videos!

(Also, more Houston Vex this Friday and Saturday!!!)

Here I am setting up one of our remote cameras, we had one on a magic arm on each bridge, these were moderately useful shots, I liked being able to show teams as they attempted to balance, but they were not wide enough to show a team balancing on the same bridge that the camera was mounted to, they were great shots of the opposite bridges and co-opertition bridge though.

Here is another remote camera, clamped to the rail next to the driver's station, and once gain mirrored on the opposite side of the field. These were pretty good shots, able to show maybe 80% of the field (they were great to show teams taking key shots). We had chosen this location in order to keep the cameras protected from flying balls and robot parts, but moved them to the opposite side of the glass during lunch because parts of people's drivers stations kept blocking the view.

Here's Michael using my iPhone to focus one of the bridge cams, how cool is that!?

And Michael screwing with a deck of cards. Wish I had this shot sans-cards, I like the way the poster lines up with the booth. Woulda been good for the website, oh well, haha.

A little close up action shot of Michael woking the soundboard.

      Should probably mention that by the end of the day this event, like most of the other robo-events we've worked on, had a pretty convoluted audio set-up. Everything is peachy as long as we're running everything, but as soon as you through an outside DJ into the mix things get hairy. I wish we had our own DJ/Producer on staff, or at least a large catalog of music we were licensed to use commercially, routing two mixes and a mix-minus all on the one Behringer board is definitely pushing its limits but it performs like a champ every time (Definitely glad I payed the extra $50 for this board instead of the model below.)

Eddie Luster and Michael hold down the fort!

Heres the youtube playlist of the matches;

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